This is my completed face sketch. We  had to draw it without a ruler, causing us to have to edit our face shape many times to make the relative skull shape and size seem realistic. We had to divide the face into four parts and the eyes were in the very center, the nose is about one fingers length up from the mouth and the mouth is roughly two fingers length up from the chin. The neck is just below the chin. The shape of the average eye is round with the top eyelid usually rounded and a flatter bottom lid. You make an eyeball look glassy with three tones and 





My favorite piece of artwork I drew was my original landscape picture. This picture is a picture of distant mountains with a soccer field and leaf-less trees as a focal point. I drew it with chalk and bright green paper. A new skill I learned while completing this piece was the difference that smudging and drawing with to the chalk will give to your artwork. Some art elements that were present in this drawing were being able to draw big shapes to represent a landscape with foreground, middle ground, and back ground. Another one is indicating light by using complementary colors. The feeling of this drawing I think is to stay close with nature.